FiaMix XL - V1.5

(A weathered veteran male), (gray-haired in appearance), (rugged face), ((eyes are sharp but kind)), ((Short hair)) with a (mixture of gray hair). ((hair is carefully arranged in an all-back)), (wears a pomade), (well built), ((smart and yet strong)), (Dark eyes), neatly trimmed goatee, (handsome), intelligent and brave, (((Large leather coat:1.1))), open clothes, ((leather bags at the waist)), (white gloves), drawer, Accessories decorated with old coins and jewels, A lively street within a fantasy city adorned with spellbinding architecture, glowing crystals, exotic flora, and fantastical creatures roaming the streets., intricate details, ((masterpiece:1.1)), 8k, (extremely detailed and beautiful background), ((Ultra-precise depiction)), ((Ultra-detailed depiction)), (professional illustrasion:1.1), (professional lighting)