DonMT0w31XL towel, male early twenties sturdy, south asian, honey eyes, unique ears, pointed chin with cleft, prominent forehead, delicate hands, , platinum blonde wavy hair hair, worry wearing barkcloth skinny jeans, , leg cross, crossing one leg over the other, evoking a sense of elegance and intrigue, firelight, the flickering glow of a fireplace, bringing intimacy and warmth to the setting, a picturesque countryside, with rolling hills, green meadows, and grazing animals, purple <lora:DonMT0w31XL-000010:1>

DonMT0w31XL towel, male early twenties sturdy, south asian, honey eyes, unique ears,  pointed chin with cleft,   prominent forehead,  delicate hands,  , platinum blonde wavy hair hair, worry wearing barkcloth skinny jeans,     , leg cross, crossing one leg over the other, evoking a sense of elegance and intrigue, firelight, the flickering glow of a fireplace, bringing intimacy and warmth to the setting, a picturesque countryside, with rolling hills, green meadows, and grazing animals, purple <lora:DonMT0w31XL-000010:1>