color photo of a close-up of a person in a captivating costume, celebrated as one of the top-rated artworks on Pixiv. This white cyborg fashion shot showcases a unique fusion of elements, giving the person a mesmerizing fairy-like appearance. The warm, bright white light envelops them, enhancing their ethereal presence. The character design is a blend of gothic aesthetics and the intriguing concept of a benevolent android necromancer. The 3D rendering of the character is incredibly realistic, bringing them to life with stunning detail. The person's costume hints at the profession of a gogo dancer, adding an element of movement and rhythm to the composition. The opalescent palace in the background creates a sense of grandeur and mystery, immersing viewers in a world of enchantment. This extraordinary artwork is the creation of the talented artist Kim Myeong-guk, known for their ability to craft intricate and visually striking designs. The laced details in the costume add a touch of elegance and sophistication, further enhancing the overall aesthetic

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