The morphological features of this alien creature are unique and striking. For one thing,its body takes on a dark brown hue,a color that feels mysterious and ancient. Looking closely,it can be found that the surface of its body has many detailed textures,which seem to be naturally grown by organisms,rather than processed by humans. Most strikingly,the alien has no eyes,but has multiple yellow spheres on its tentacles as eyes. These yellow spheres are scattered across the surface of the tentacles,and each sphere is like a separate biological individual with its own life force and function. This particular eye structure makes one wonder how the alien perceives its surroundings. render,technology,(best quality) (masterpiece),(highly detailed),game,4K,Official art,unit 8 k wallpaper,ultra detailed,beautiful and aesthetic,masterpiece,best quality,extremely detailed,dynamic angle,atmospheric,full body lens,high detail,exquisite facial features,futuristic,science fiction,CG,