DonM - Clockwork/Steampunk [SD1.5,SDXL] - SD1.5

DonMSt34mP male dragon rider, gene-spliced hybrid, being resulting from genetic manipulation, exhibiting a mix of species traits, youth slinky, indigenous peoples of the america, amber eyes, attached ears, bulbous nose,  angular jaw, sunken cheeks, unusual forehead, heart face shape with pointed chin, sculpted abs, , burgundy slicked-back hair hair, curiosity, martial arts pose, character assumes a martial arts stance, prepared for combat,  wearing  hyper-threaded utility pants,  plasma blazer, electro-reactive scuba fins,  , gravitational resistance, character stands against an invisible force, leaning into the wind created by gravitational resistance, vr mass production line,  slate,anti-gravity building platforms, bioluminescent fungi, wall grazing, gritty urban cyberpunk, steampunk  <lora:DonMSt34mP:0.8>