(masterpiece:1.2), (work of art), (art), (magnificent details:0.5), (detailed), (intense, bright, sparkling eyes:1.3), delicate, oval, small, sweet, cute face, long blue hair the color of the sky, intense red eyes, thin pale lips, wearing extravagant clothes, beautiful clothes, branded clothes, a high-damage black leather boot, hard, colorful background, like splat art, strong, abrupt brush strokes, off-screen splash, low lighting, cinematics, Marvel Studios.

(masterpiece:1.2), (work of art), (art), (magnificent details:0.5), (detailed), (intense, bright, sparkling eyes:1.3), delicate, oval, small, sweet, cute face, long blue hair the color of the sky, intense red eyes, thin pale lips, wearing extravagant clothes, beautiful clothes, branded clothes, a high-damage black leather boot, hard, colorful background, like splat art, strong, abrupt brush strokes, off-screen splash, low lighting, cinematics, Marvel Studios.

Sensitive content (17+)

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(masterpiece:1.2), (work of art), (art), (magnificent details:0.5), (detailed), (intense, bright, sparkling eyes:1.3), delicate, oval, small, sweet, cute face, long blue hair the color of the sky, intense red eyes, thin pale lips, wearing extravagant clothes, beautiful clothes, branded clothes, a high-damage black leather boot, hard, colorful background, like splat art, strong, abrupt brush strokes, off-screen splash, low lighting, cinematics, Marvel Studios.

Negative Prompt

(worst quality:1.4), (low quality:1.4), lowres, bad anatomy, bad hands, text, error, missing fingers, extra digit, fewer digits, cropped, worst quality, low quality, normal quality, jpeg artifacts, signature, watermark, username, blurry, details-of-mechanical-arms, bad face, bad ears, bad hands, bad eyes, bad legs, birthmarks, moles on the face, wrinkles, stretch marks, pimples, age expressions, plastic faces, dolls' faces, oily skin, abused skin with blemishes, skin with wounds, moles on the face, artist names, illustrator names, company names, game company names, numbers, symbols, characters, links, Facebook, social networks, watermark, poor hand formation, EasyNegative, no_sexy, sexy, sexual, sexual attractive attraction.


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