MillieBobbyBrown,<lora:MillieBobbyBrownSDXL:1>7:1. 3) year old (woman:1. 1) with (silver:1. 2) (pixie cut:1. 1), in a (bold:1. 1) (pose:1. 1) against a (monochromatic:1. 1) (backdrop:1. 1), her (sharp:1. 4) (gaze:1. 1) commanding attention. The (chic:1. 1) look is shot on (Delta3200:1. 1) for its (fine grain:1. 1) with a (CanonEOS1V:1. 1) and a (28mm:1. 1) (wideangle:1. 1) (lens@f2.8:1. 1).

MillieBobbyBrown,<lora:MillieBobbyBrownSDXL:1>7:1. 3) year old (woman:1. 1) with (silver:1. 2) (pixie cut:1. 1), in a (bold:1. 1) (pose:1. 1) against a (monochromatic:1. 1) (backdrop:1. 1), her (sharp:1. 4) (gaze:1. 1) commanding attention. The (chic:1. 1) look is shot on (Delta3200:1. 1) for its (fine grain:1. 1) with a (CanonEOS1V:1. 1) and a (28mm:1. 1) (wideangle:1. 1) (lens@f2.8:1. 1).