Porcelain woman with, pink hair with braids, lots of flowers on her head, white skin with heavy makeup extremely ghostly white, holding a young baby dragon cradled in her arms, pale psychedelic background, soft, dreamlike, surrealism, intricate details, 3D rendering, octane rendering. Nicoletta Ceccoli style. Decora_SWstyle, PetDragon2024xl,<lora:EMS-261918-EMS:0.500000>,<lora:EMS-67065-EMS:0.200000>,<lora:EMS-278003-EMS:0.700000>

Porcelain woman with,  pink hair with braids,  lots of flowers on her head,  white skin with heavy makeup extremely ghostly white,  holding a young baby dragon cradled in her arms,  pale psychedelic background,  soft,  dreamlike,  surrealism,  intricate details,  3D rendering,  octane rendering. Nicoletta Ceccoli style. Decora_SWstyle, PetDragon2024xl,<lora:EMS-261918-EMS:0.500000>,<lora:EMS-67065-EMS:0.200000>,<lora:EMS-278003-EMS:0.700000>