A girl in a pastel-colored sundress, surrounded by a lush garden bursting with blooming flowers. Her hair should be styled in playful braids, adorned with matching floral accessories. The backdrop should be an impressionistic blur of vibrant greens and floral hues, reminiscent of a Monet painting. The lighting should be soft and diffused, with specks of dappled sunlight filtering through the overhead leaves, creating a sense of dreamy, springtime tranquility.film portrait photography, 35mm film,<lora:EMS-260325-EMS:0.600000>,<lora:EMS-200217-EMS:0.300000>

A girl in a pastel-colored sundress,  surrounded by a lush garden bursting with blooming flowers. Her hair should be styled in playful braids,  adorned with matching floral accessories. The backdrop should be an impressionistic blur of vibrant greens and floral hues,  reminiscent of a Monet painting. The lighting should be soft and diffused,  with specks of dappled sunlight filtering through the overhead leaves,  creating a sense of dreamy,  springtime tranquility.film portrait photography,  35mm film,<lora:EMS-260325-EMS:0.600000>,<lora:EMS-200217-EMS:0.300000>