Angels Fall to Earth 绪儿-天使坠入人间 - XRYCJ - 3.0

((((dramatic))), (((gritty))), (((intense))) film poster featuring a A mature face as the central character.  She stands confidently in the center of the poster, A mature face, wearing a stylish and edgy outfit, with a determined expression on her face.  The background is dark and gritty, with a sense of danger and intensity.  The text is bold and attention-grabbing, with a catchy tagline that adds to the overall feeling of drama and excitement.  The color palette is mainly dark with splashes of vibrant colors, giving the poster a dynamic and visually striking appearance,tachi-e (magazine:1.3), (cover-style:1.3), fashionable, vibrant, outfit, posing, front, colorful, solo, looking at viewer, shirt, white shirt, male focus, necktie, collared shirt, pants, black pants, formal, suit, black necktie, watch, wristwatch, black suit,(long legs:1.2),Visual impact,A shot with tension,(upper body:1.0), sideways glance,cold attitude, Ear stud,tattoo, xuer Angel of the exotic wind,(wings,feathered wings:1.2),(pale skin, real_skin),(Milky skin:1.2),(shiny skin:1.6),upper body,exposed collarbone,exposed shoulders,bare shoulders,exposed abdomen, navel,red lips,necklace,bare shoulders,breasts,wide sleeves,solo focus,earrings,midriff,hair ornament,skirt,long sleeves,cleavage,  ,,,<lora:绪儿-异域风天使 xuer Angel of the exotic wind:0.7>,,,,,,,