Ridious, high resolution, super detailed, (unattended: 1.3), BREAK, creates images using the prism effect, refracts light and creates a colorful, kaleidoscopic look. BREAK, designed with a fisheye effect to capture a wide field of view with a unique curved viewing angle. BREAK, capture the beauty of forest paths, towering trees, dappled sunshine, tranquil nature. BREAK, depicting a monochromatic world that uses only black, white, and gray shades to convey depth, emotion, and compelling visual impact, fantasy00d,<lora:EMS-67880-EMS:0.600000>

Ridious,  high resolution,  super detailed,  (unattended: 1.3),  BREAK,  creates images using the prism effect,  refracts light and creates a colorful,  kaleidoscopic look. BREAK,  designed with a fisheye effect to capture a wide field of view with a unique curved viewing angle. BREAK,  capture the beauty of forest paths,  towering trees,  dappled sunshine,  tranquil nature. BREAK,  depicting a monochromatic world that uses only black,  white,  and gray shades to convey depth,  emotion,  and compelling visual impact, fantasy00d,<lora:EMS-67880-EMS:0.600000>