Red Rebel Realistic - v1

1woman, from top to bottom:

Top of head: (single white feather), white cloth hat with black rose print,

Head and face: no hair seen, one ear seen, mask on face, mask is of a china doll, china doll mask has painted on huge bushy pointed in every upward direction #96733d colored eyebrows, china doll mask has #96733d colored circle blush, bright #96733d colored lipstick mostly in center of lip, lips slightly apart, facing viewer,

Neck: white gathered taffeta ruff, resembling tutu,

Shoulders: square with viewer, obscured by ruff,

Arms: at sides until elbows, elbows bent, hands holding skirt up,

Torso: (heavy perfect apart breasts exposed:1.4), white underbust corset, black buttons,

Hips: covered by (transparent:1.4) taffeta wrap around skirt, one layer of taffeta, vagina seen through dress,

Legs: seen through dress in #807482 color,

Feet: unseen,

Background: circle gradient, blue to white,