(((Masterpiece)))A beautiful young woman in her early 20's in a magical sylvan landscape. She is wearing an elegant silk royal blue dress. The dress is richly embroidered with sillver designs. It is night and she is lit by some lamps hanging from the trees that shine with a golden light. She has long, wavy dark brown hair and vibrant blue eyes. She has a subtle elven quality. Her ears are human sized but pointed and her eybrows arch upwards slightly. Pointy ears, but not huge ,FFIXBG. Magical realm. ,blurry_light_background,1 girl,Color Booster

(((Masterpiece)))A beautiful young woman in her early 20's in a magical sylvan landscape.  She is wearing an elegant silk royal blue dress.  The dress is richly embroidered with sillver designs.  It is night and she is lit by some lamps hanging from the trees that shine with a golden light.  She has long, wavy dark brown hair and vibrant blue eyes.  She has a subtle elven quality.  Her ears are human sized but pointed and her eybrows arch upwards slightly. Pointy ears, but not huge  ,FFIXBG.  Magical realm.  ,blurry_light_background,1 girl,Color Booster