A cute cat,fluffy fur,adorable active eyes,playful paws,cosy sleeping spot,soft whiskers,beautiful patterned coat,bright and expressive eyes,curious and playful nature,smooth and sleek body,graceful and agile movements,[cat toys],[green garden background],[colorful sunlight filtering through the trees],[vibrant and cheerful atmosphere],(best quality,ultra-detailed),[soft lighting],realistic colors, [bokeh]

A cute cat,fluffy fur,adorable active eyes,playful paws,cosy sleeping spot,soft whiskers,beautiful patterned coat,bright and expressive eyes,curious and playful nature,smooth and sleek body,graceful and agile movements,[cat toys],[green garden background],[colorful sunlight filtering through the trees],[vibrant and cheerful atmosphere],(best quality,ultra-detailed),[soft lighting],realistic colors, [bokeh]