(Fantasy style), (anime), ((extremely detailed 8k illustration)), highres, (extremely detailed and beautiful), ultra detailed painting, professional illustrasion, Ultra-precise depiction, Ultra-detailed depiction, (beautiful and aesthetic:1.2), HDR, (depth of field:1.4), (young girl), (white,military costume,tight skirt), (highly detailed beautiful face and eyes, silver hair:1.5, twin tail:1.1, floating hair), (white tights up to the thighs), small stature, (small breasts), shiny skin, cute, Visual impact, (spooky:1.5), imagination, (glitch art:1.3), (revolve round:1.3), fluorescent, ( Fibonacci spiral :1.3), (galaxy:1.5), (extreme detailed effect:1.5), (Lightning and body Interweave:1.5), (milky way:1.3), (goddess:1.5),