DonML4zrP0pXL female Galactic peacekeeper, Quantum dream weavers- Entities with kaleidoscopic, iridescent threads weaving dreams through dimensions., Retirement age, Broad-shouldered, East Asian, Steel gray eyes, Attached Ears, Wide Nose,   Unusual Cheeks,   Sculpted Back, Office/work makeup , Red Milkmaid braid hair, Embarrassment, Sitting in a cockpit with hands on controls, focused on the mission.,  wearing Lace  RustRed Carbon-fiber Pencil Skirt,  Gravitational Wrap Top, , Bionic Ear Muffs, , Sitting cross-legged, attuning to the vastness of the universe., neon lights, vibrant, colorful, laser, <lora:LazrPopXL:1>