1 Female ultra-realistic portrait of a very beautiful nun in the image of a Bloodrayne,similar to Milla Jovovich as Selene in the Underworld 2003, with realistic details of appearance, abstract body art on open skin, fashionable Victorian and Georgian outfit with lace corset, filigree bodice with engraving, artistic drawing, cinematographic shot on canon 5d, ultra-realistic skin and facial features, perfect hot red eye color,clear, mysterious look,lip gloss,perfect,natural makeup,clear accent on eyes and face, attractive appearance, very beautiful, perfect and silky hair, symmetrical and correct hands and figure, cinematic light and shadows, overly detailed appearance, falling shadows, textures, drawings and clothes, better detailing of the environment and locations drawn with realistic colors, focusing the camera on details and face, Lewis Artierm, Jeremy Lipking, Jane Ansell, studio lighting, ray tracing, flowering, HDR, 64K, Deviantart 3d, octane rendering, realistic shader effects, artificial intelligence in the middle of a journey, the best cinematic and detailed portrait of a woman with artificial intelligence,

1 Female ultra-realistic portrait of a very beautiful nun in the image of a Bloodrayne,similar to Milla Jovovich as Selene in the Underworld 2003, with realistic details of appearance, abstract body art on open skin, fashionable Victorian and Georgian outfit with lace corset, filigree bodice with engraving, artistic drawing, cinematographic shot on canon 5d, ultra-realistic skin and facial features, perfect hot red eye color,clear, mysterious look,lip gloss,perfect,natural makeup,clear accent on eyes and face, attractive appearance, very beautiful, perfect and silky hair, symmetrical and correct hands and figure, cinematic light and shadows, overly detailed appearance, falling shadows, textures, drawings and clothes, better detailing of the environment and locations drawn with realistic colors, focusing the camera on details and face, Lewis Artierm, Jeremy Lipking, Jane Ansell, studio lighting, ray tracing, flowering, HDR, 64K, Deviantart 3d, octane rendering, realistic shader effects, artificial intelligence in the middle of a journey, the best cinematic and detailed portrait of a woman with artificial intelligence,



1 Female ultra-realistic portrait of a very beautiful nun in the image of a Bloodrayne,similar to Milla Jovovich as Selene in the Underworld 2003, with realistic details of appearance, abstract body art on open skin, fashionable Victorian and Georgian outfit with lace corset, filigree bodice with engraving, artistic drawing, cinematographic shot on canon 5d, ultra-realistic skin and facial features, perfect hot red eye color,clear, mysterious look,lip gloss,perfect,natural makeup,clear accent on eyes and face, attractive appearance, very beautiful, perfect and silky hair, symmetrical and correct hands and figure, cinematic light and shadows, overly detailed appearance, falling shadows, textures, drawings and clothes, better detailing of the environment and locations drawn with realistic colors, focusing the camera on details and face, Lewis Artierm, Jeremy Lipking, Jane Ansell, studio lighting, ray tracing, flowering, HDR, 64K, Deviantart 3d, octane rendering, realistic shader effects, artificial intelligence in the middle of a journey, the best cinematic and detailed portrait of a woman with artificial intelligence,

Negative Prompt

(low quality, worst quality:1.4), (bad anatomy), (inaccurate limb:1.2), bad composition, inaccurate eyes, extra digit, fewer digits, (extra arms:1.2) : (( bad-artist, bad-hands-3, bad-hands-5, bad-image, bad-image-v2-11000, bad_quality, bad_prompt_version2, text,logo,watermark,name artist,bad symmetry, )), , lowres, bad anatomy, bad hands, text, error, missing fingers, extra digit, fewer digits, cropped, worst quality, low quality, normal quality, jpeg artifacts, signature, watermark, username, blurry, artist name,, lowres, bad anatomy,naked,nude,nsfw,


DPM++ 2M SDE Karras



CFG Scale




Clip Skip




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