
❄️ ComfyUI Workflow Winter Challenge: Let the Snowflakes Dance ❄️

🌈 Ho-ho-hold on to your hats, because the coziest season of the year is about to get a whole lot cooler! Christmas is jingling its boom way towards us, and Tensor.Art is ready to deck the halls with boughs of holly and a flurry of fun!

❄️ We've got Christmas Themed LoRA Online Training Challenge, Christmas Art Show, and - drumroll, please - the snowtacular ComfyUI Workflow Winter Challenge! So, grab your mittens and let's dive into a winter wonderland of creativity and cool rewards. Ready to make spirits bright? Let's jingle all the way! For each unique workflow you craft, you'll earn icy cool rewards 💸 💸

Season 2: Workflow Lucky Spin 🍀

🥁 Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! With the launch of the workflow sharing feature, we're excited to usher in the second season: Workflow Lucky Spin!

In Season 2, everyone will have the opportunity to upload and share their frosty ComfyUI Workflow with #snowflake, just like a model card, conveniently shared to the homepage! Thus, the snowflake-themed workflows trained in Season 1 will have a stage for sharing and displaying!

All workflows trained in the first season will be publicized to all platform players, and players can experience these workflows and collect their favorite ones!

📅 Winter's Second Wave: 00:00 UTC Dec.26th - 23:59 UTC Jan.9th

📥 How to Participate: Once you've got your snowflake workflow ready, create a template on Tensor.Art and post the link in our Discord server. If your workflow meets the requirements, you will be added to the corresponding roles to enter the draws.

💰 Rewards: We've got three draws planned during the event, each at 00:00 UTC on December 31st, January 5th, and January 10th. Each time, we'll pick five lucky workflow authors to win $100 cash each.

📝 Update Notice:

❄️ Both workflows uploaded from local or trained online can participate in this event, as long as they meet the theme requirements.

❄️ Given the "shareability" of workflows, we've decided to change the reward system for this event. Instead of a leaderboard, we will hold a random draw among participating users. Every 5 days, we will select five lucky participants to receive a cash prize of $100 each (winners will be verified for compliance with the rules, non-compliant entries will be redrawn). Participation and prize redemption methods will be announced before the event starts! So stay tuned! 🌟

🎯 Eligibility: The workflow participating in the challenge must "contain snowflake-related elements (models that can stably produce snowflake-related content, showcases with snowflake prompts or partially containing snowflake elements will not be counted)";

Season 1: Workflow Training Challenge ❄️

📅 Winter's Countdown: 00:00 UTC Dec.14th - 23:59 UTC Dec.25th

🎯 Frosty Focus: Embrace the winter spirit! Your workflow must include elements inspired by the beauty of snowflakes❄️. Workflows that only include snowflake elements through prompt words or a portion of the showcase will not be considered.

📜 Snowy Standards: All workflows must be safe for work. Explicit or adult content, especially involving celebrities or minors, is strictly prohibited. Violation of these rules may result in account suspension.

⭐️ Easter Egg: Brace yourselves for an "ear-resistible" surprise 👂🏻 This special challenge focus on the theme of ears within an Img2Img workflow training. So, prepare to lend your ears to the creative call and let's turn the volume up on imagination. Remember to share your workflow with #crazyaiears! It's time to say, "Ouch MY AI-Ear, Time to BOOM"! Stay tuned for more!

Are you ready to let your creativity snowball? We're eager to see your snowflake-inspired workflows take shape! 🥶