
**a 3D hyper-realistic image of an intricate scrimshaw artwork. The scrimshaw is carved on an antique whale's tooth, which rests on a vintage wooden table with subtle light highlighting its details. The scrimshaw features a detailed maritime scene with a sailing ship battling high seas, surrounded by swirling winds and a cresting wave. The ship is meticulously detailed with visible sails, ropes, and tiny figures of sailors. The background should include faintly engraved stars and a compass, enhancing the nautical theme. The texture of the whale's tooth should be accurately portrayed, showing its smooth ivory surface and natural curves. The surrounding setting should include old maritime tools like a compass, a sextant, and old maps, subtly blurred in the background to focus attention on the scrimshaw itself.

**a 3D hyper-realistic image of an intricate scrimshaw artwork. The scrimshaw is carved on an antique whale's tooth, which rests on a vintage wooden table with subtle light highlighting its details. The scrimshaw features a detailed maritime scene with a sailing ship battling high seas, surrounded by swirling winds and a cresting wave. The ship is meticulously detailed with visible sails, ropes, and tiny figures of sailors. The background should include faintly engraved stars and a compass, enhancing the nautical theme. The texture of the whale's tooth should be accurately portrayed, showing its smooth ivory surface and natural curves. The surrounding setting should include old maritime tools like a compass, a sextant, and old maps, subtly blurred in the background to focus attention on the scrimshaw itself.
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