
cliffbuilding, (sea bay), beach, palm tree, sunset, orange sky, cloud, (masterpiece),(ultra-detailed), 8k, (highly detailed CG illustration),(expressionless), (best quality:1.1), High quality texture, intricate details, detailed texture, High quality shadow, Cinematic Light, Depth of field, light source contrast, perspective,20s,<lora:659095807385103906:1.0>

cliffbuilding, (sea bay), beach, palm tree, sunset, orange sky, cloud, (masterpiece),(ultra-detailed), 8k, (highly detailed CG illustration),(expressionless), (best quality:1.1), High quality texture, intricate details, detailed texture, High quality shadow, Cinematic Light, Depth of field, light source contrast, perspective,20s,<lora:659095807385103906:1.0>
cliffbuilding, (sea bay), beach, palm tree, sunset, orange sky, cloud, (masterpiece),(ultra-detailed), 8k, (highly detailed CG illustration),(expressionless), (best quality:1.1), High quality texture, intricate details, detailed texture, High quality shadow, Cinematic Light, Depth of field, light source contrast, perspective,20s,<lora:659095807385103906:1.0>
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